Surgical Instruments Images & Names:
Thoracic & Lung Surgery |
Surgical Instruments Images & Names:
Thoracic & Lung Surgery
- 57-0745 - Bone shears 9" (23cm)
- 57-0746 - Rib shears 8¾" (22cm)
- 57-0747 - Collin rib shears 8" (20cm)
- 57-0748 - Gluck rib shears 7½" (19cm)
- 57-0749 - Gluck rib shears 8¾" (22cm)
- 57-0750 - Robert's rib shears 12¼" (31cm)
- 57-0751 - Bethune's rib shears 13½" (22cm)
- 57-0752 - Coryllo's rib shears left 13¾" (35cm)
- 57-0753 - Coryllo's rib shears right 13¾" (35cm)
- 58-0754 - Willauer lobectomy scissors, slightly curved 10¾"
- 58-0755 - Crafoord lobectomy scissors slightly curved 12"
- 58-0756 - Nelson lobectomy scissors straight/curved 10"
- 58-0757 - Nelson lobectomy scissors straight/curved 12"
- 58-0758 - Finochietto lobectomy scissors angled on flat 10¼"
- 58-0759 - Tuttle thoracic thumb forceps 9" (23cm)
- 58-0760 - Nelson thoracic thumb forceps 6x7 teeth 9"
- 58-0761 - Mayo harrington thumb forceps 13¾"
- 59-0762 - Wangensteen needle holder, box joint 10½"
- 59-0763 - Finochietto needle holder, box joint 10½"
- 59-0764 - Johnson needle holder, box joint 10½"
- 59-0765 - Duval lung forceps, screw joint 8" (20cm)
- 59-0766 - Duval lung forceps, box joint 8" (20cm)
- 59-0767 - Duval collin lung forceps, box joint Fig. 1-2, 8"
- 59-0768 - Lahey artery forceps, box joint 9" (23cm)
- 60-0769 - Davidson pulmonary vessel clamp, box joint 9"
- 60-0770 - Finochietto artery and ligature forceps, box
joint 9½" (24cm)
- 60-0771 - Roberts lung forceps, box joint, straight/curved
8¾" (22cm)
- 60-0772 - Roberts lung forceps, box joint, straight/curved
9½" (24cm)
- 60-0773 - Mixture thoracic forceps, box joint, Fig. 1, 8¾"
- 60-0774 - Mixture thoracic forceps, box joint, Fig. 2, 10"
- 60-0775 - Mixture thoracic forceps, box joint, Fig. 3, 11"
- 60-0776 - Price-Thomas bronchus clamp, box joint 8¾"
- 61-0777 - Satinsky cardiovascular clamp, box joint, Fig.
1-2, 10¾" (27cm)
- 61-0778 - Brock cardiovascular clamp, box joint, Fig. 1-3,
9" (23cm)
- 61-0779 - Pott's clamp, box joint, Fig. 1-6, 6½"
- 61-0780 - Pott's clamp, box joint, Fig. 1-6, 8½"
Pictures and Description Courtesy of Global Merchandise MART